왜 이란일만 생기는지...
어제 올라온 현지 채용 관련 비자 사기에 대해 잠깐 시간을 내어 찾아봤습니다. 이미 오래전부터 취업을 미끼로 비자 대금을 선지급 요구하는 현지 사기꾼들이 판을 치고 있습니다. 여기에 가짜 회사 목록을 정리했으니 잘 알아보고 사기 당하지 마세요.
어제 딸셋맘이 확인 요청한 MRS ENGINEERING은 이미 가짜라고 수백 건의 관련 글이 확인되었습니다. 돈 보내지 말고 다른 회사 찾아보세요.
Alyssa Cramsie - Marine Engineer at Neptune Marine Services
Amy Bruce - Senior Electrical Engineer at Siemens
Anja Fleischer - Automotive Engineer at Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
Anne Fisher - Dermatologist at LucerneHealth
Brooke White - Food Scientist at Premier Foods
Carla Ribeiro Oliveira - Creative Writer at Self-employed
Cory Hamel - Management Trainee at BN Group
Diana Achen - Fabric and Apparel Patternmaker at US Apparel & Textiles
Dionisia Ferrari - Writer at Self employed
Elenor J. Woods - Computer Programmer at 2K
Emily D. Friis - Cytogenetic Technologist at Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Copenhagen
Ester S. Jackson - Massage Therapist at Self-emplyed
Faith Maan - Management Trainee at VSF Experts GmbH
Gorgia Peel - HR Coordinator at HR-HUB
Huette Dufresme - Architect at Valode & Pistre
Isabella Souza Castro - Anesthesiologist at Hospital Albert Einstein
Janina Mahler - Computer Software Engineer at IBM
Jasmine Bartlett - Lawyer at law firm
Jewel Lamy - Mechanical System Integration Engineer at Safran Engineering Services
Kami Lange - Human Resource Executive at Zasylogic
Katie V. Wood - Aquacultural Manager at American Fisheries Society (AFS)
Keisha D. Hamilton - Dermatologist at Dermatology & Laser Center of San Diego
Laure Duclos - Electrical Engineer at Schneider Electric
Laure Quiron - Biologist at Pasteur Institute
Leah Cartwright - Hairdresser, Hairstylist, and Cosmetologist at Self-employed
Lisa Baecker - Architect at Berlin Architects
Lorraine Fugère - Dermatologist at Skin Rejuvenation Clinic P A
Lucy Rowler - Molecular Biologist at Novartis
Maria A. Simonsen - Bioinformatics Scientist at CLC bio
Martha Blackwood - Computer Software Engineer at TheBrain Technologies
Michelle Blau - Geneticist at CENTOGENE
Millicent Aubin - Advertising and Promotion Manager at Aon Spain
Morgan Harrison - Dentist at Lausanne Dental & Implant Clinic
Muahmmad Yousaf - Teacher at Beaconhouse School system
Muhammad Muhammadshaish - Manager at Self-employed
Olivia Gordon - Neurologist at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Olivia Klausen - Computer Systems Engineer at SKM Electronics Limited
Parvani Rai - Architect at C.P. Kukreja Associates
Patience Jardine - Geneticist at Greenpeace International
Patricia Cotton - HR Consultant at OpenText
Phoebe Harman - HR and Recruitment Expert at Advorto
Phoebe Lamb - Microbiologist at NCIMB Ltd
Raissa Araujo Correia - Computer Programmer at Bravox
Rina Moretti - Marine Biologist at Marine Biological Laboratory
Scarlett Enright - Computer Software Engineer at Infomedia
Sheikh Ali - HR at Publicis Paistan
Simone Fassbinder - Ophthalmologist at University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg
Simone Jaeger - Human Resource Manager bei Audi
Suzette Daviau - Massage Therapist at Self-employed
Tahlia Beckett - Environmental Engineer at Sustainable Engineering
번호 | 제목 | 닉네임 | 조회 | 등록일 |
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